Masking Now Optional
Our Commitment:
The studio has taken the following steps to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus:
Complimentary exam masks available in studio for patrons
Staff are happy to wear masks when requested
Digital General Consent Form
UV sterilization of pens and stylus’
Increase ventilation to allow for more air changes throughout the facility
Installation of additional air filters/purifiers
Maintain an accurate appointment record including date and time of service, name of client, and contact information
Limit the number of clients in the studio to allow for distancing and cleaning
Disinfection of all areas touched by clients after services are performed
Staggered start times of appointments to minimize the number of individuals in the waiting room
We ask that if you have a fever and/or presents with COVID-19 symptoms, you cancel your appointment.
If our staff member(s) test positive for the coronavirus, we will notify you so that you can take appropriate precautions.
If staff show symptoms of covid, or are feeling ill we may need to cancel or reschedule.
If Anyone is Sick…
Risks of Under-the-Mask Piercing Services
By coming to the studio for nasal/oral services, you are assuming the risk of exposure to the coronavirus (or other public health risk).
When receiving nasal/oral piercing services your piercing may become more prone to irritation, infection, inflammation and potential scarring if you regularly wear a mask in your day-to-day activities.
Tips for Appointment Day
We ask that if you have a job that exposes you to other people who are infected, you will let us know prior to your appointment.
On the day of your appointment please do not arrive any earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment time so you have you time at the jewelry counter.
Only bring one additional guest or support person.
One parent should accompany a minor
Please use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you enter the building.
Please keep a distance from other patrons and refrain from physical contact with staff outside of performing services.
Do not to touch your piercings, jewelry, face or eyes with your hands. If you do, you ww will ask you to immediately wash or sanitize your hands.